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Environmental conservation must be a commitment of all

In the midst of the presidential race, historically, we have followed guidelines linked to environmental conservation placed in the background. The result of this stance are inoperative mandates regarding the gradual and uninterrupted degradation of our forests and natural resources. We need the elected candidates, both in the Executive and in the Legislative, to make real commitments to the preservation of our biodiversity, even though promises related to the environment do not attract so many votes. In view of the election of the National Electoral Council last month, the people's choices cannot depend on environmental issues alone, but also on the protection of our natural resources, the health of our environment and its environment, of our environment with respect to the people.

Our objective is to create a culture of conservation, of environmental awareness, and of respecting the environment.

Environmental awareness is a cornerstone of our campaign and is linked to environmental law and environmental protection as well as to the management of natural resources and the promotion of ecological tourism.

We will therefore promote the importance of education and awareness of the effects of environmental degradation on both local and imported flora, fauna and other things in terms of the way those species are traded, in terms of trade, migration and distribution, and in terms of its impact on local biodiversity.  We will also work with local groups to make them public, through a variety of educational tools and mechanisms, a range of activities aimed at understanding and preventing environmental degradation and destruction of ecosystems.

The Ecomodernists' Green Book is an educational and informational resource for young people and their grown-ups on the economic, social, political and ecological aspects related to the issue of ecosturification.   A compilation of material intended primarily for children under 10 years of age, this book is intended to be the essential reference for understanding the issues, values and problems associated with ecological and economic transformation.

The Green Book is an integral part of the Ecomodernist Youth Network, a network of young people engaged in ecopoetic endeavors, and can be downloaded and read as an electronic file or printed in hard copy. Although this work has been written with a child and adolescent mind in mind, its primary message has not changed and is designed, as stated in its opening section, to educate and inform young people about the issue of ecosturification. The Green Book is also a valuable tool for informing and educating individuals and groups outside the organization. Written in English, and also available to download, the Green Book can be browsed through the Internet and is included in PDF format.


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