In our previous postwe learned about the i-V characteristic of a solar cell. How can we simulate this characteristic in a circuit diagram? To answer this question we are going to look at the equivalent circuit of a solar cell. Let’s start with what we learned in the previous video. Here is the I-V characteristic of a solar cell. We can note the V_OC and I_SC that we described before. We can notice a few things about this plot. There is an exponential characteristic, and it is offset negatively somehow. So how can we represent this as a circuit model? Those of you with an electrical engineering background may already realize that this resembles the characteristic of a diode, and that is exactly correct. A solar cell is, in fact a diode, and if the solar cell were in the dark, it would act, electrically, just like any other diode. However, illumination of the solar cell is what offsets it as we see here. So let’s take a look at how to model this electrically. ...
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