Federal Congresswoman Chris Tonietto (PSL-RJ) says she believes the negative figures on the situation in the Amazon are being inflated "to demoralize the government" and that she trusts President Jair Bolsonaro and his chosen minister to look after the area, Ricardo Salles. The congresswoman criticizes the "politicization" of the issue and what she points out as an "inversion" in putting nature above man. "I am not being against the evidence, no. Even the people who live in the Amazon and who are now federal deputies say this, that they, in quotes, inflate the numbers, saying that deforestation is growing. I'm not saying that there isn't, but I don't think that's all they try to impute. Everything to demoralize the government," he says. "I take great care with these ultra-environmentalist agendas, because I think they have a very serious ideological burden and put the environment above the human being. This is absurd,"...
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