It's not always that you will see an intentional oil spill, but that's exactly what happened in Ontario, Canada. In the beginning of June, scientists spilled bitum - a viscous liquid that is extracted from sand in some regions of the country and transported in ducts - in a limited surface of the Experimental Lakes from the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD-ELA). The objective of the study was to help protect future freshwater ecosystems from oil spills. In a large test tube, installed in the lake where the research station was constructed, the scientists are studying the physical, chemical, biological and toxicological impacts from bitum in freshwater organisms - from the plankton to the frogs and fishes. Until recently, this type of experiment had been made only in laboratories, where it wasn't possible to imitate the real world. It's the first study of its kind made in Canada - an opportunity to answer questions that can help to ...
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